COVID-19 Safety
Maisie Gray Pottery & Crafts is located in Linlithgow, Scotland and therefore we are currently following all Scottish Government and UK Government guidance.
No one with symptoms of COVID-19 is involved with the business at any time. Should any of the staff or their close contacts become symptomatic they will isolate as per guidelines. The business will continue to function where possible but will not hesitate to temporarily close if this is the safest option.
Our work areas are cleaned after use.
All pottery and crafts are quarantined and then cleaned on arrival from suppliers.
All boxes returned by customers are quarantined before opening.
All kiln-fired items are fired to in excess of 1000 degrees celcius.
All packaging is disposed of appropriately and responsibly.
We have been delighted to continue to remain trading safely throughout this pandemic. Thank you for your continued support.